Los peces nacen en el agua, el hombre nace en el Tao.Si los peces, nacidos en el agua, buscan la sombra profunda del estanque o la alberca, todas sus necesidades son satisfechas.Si el hombre, nacido en el Tao, se hunde en la profunda sombra de la no-acción, para olvidar la agresión y las preocupaciones, no le falta nada, su vida es segura.
Moraleja: "Todo lo que necesita el pez es perderse en el agua.Todo lo que necesita el hombre es perderse en el Tao".


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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta símbolos auspiciosos. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta símbolos auspiciosos. Mostrar todas las entradas

23 sept 2014

auspicious symbols

Buddhism's eight auspicious symbols: 1) Parasol - denotes royalty and spiritual power; symbolizes protection from the heat of spiritually harmful forces and suffering. 2) Golden Fishes - denotes good fortune, fertility and salvation. 3) Treasure Vase - denotes spiritual and material abundance. 4) Lotus Flower - denotes mental and spiritual purity and is a reminder of the Buddha's teachings.

Buddhism's eight auspicious symbols: 1) Parasol - denotes royalty and spiritual power; symbolizes protection from the heat of spiritually harmful forces and suffering. 2) Golden Fishes - denotes good fortune, fertility and salvation. 3) Treasure Vase - denotes spiritual and material abundance. 4) Lotus Flower - denotes mental and spiritual purity and is a reminder of the Buddha's teachings.
The growth of the lotus from mud, through water to its final resting place in sunshine, symbolizes the progress of the soul or mind through the mud of materialism, the waters of experience and into the sunshine of enlightenment. 5) Conch Shell - denotes the fame of the Buddha's teachings. 6) Endless Knot - depicts continuity as the underpinning of the reality of existence and symbolizes the infinite wisdom of the Buddha. 7) Victory Banner - denotes the victory of the Buddha's teaching and the triumph of wisdom over ignorance. 8) Wheel - depicts rapid spiritual change brought about by Buddha's teachings. It is one of the most important symbols in Tibetan Buddhism and represents the teachings of the Buddha.