Los peces nacen en el agua, el hombre nace en el Tao.Si los peces, nacidos en el agua, buscan la sombra profunda del estanque o la alberca, todas sus necesidades son satisfechas.Si el hombre, nacido en el Tao, se hunde en la profunda sombra de la no-acción, para olvidar la agresión y las preocupaciones, no le falta nada, su vida es segura.
Moraleja: "Todo lo que necesita el pez es perderse en el agua.Todo lo que necesita el hombre es perderse en el Tao".


queridos amigos los haikus que humildemente escribo están en este sitio: www.haikusilvestre.wordpress.com
gracias ! Namasté

8 ago 2015

Quotation out of the book:

Unfathomable Tao

One looks for it and sees it not,
it is called: invisible.
One listens for it and hears it not,
it is called: inaudible.
One reaches for it and grasps it not,
it is called: intangible.

These three, not examinable through reasoning,
interwoven with one another they are one.

Its upper is not light,
its lower is not dark.
Ceaselessly onwards it flows,
endless, nameless,
and returns to the being-less.

That is: of the formless form,
of the imageless image.
That is: the most unfathomable of the unfathomable.

One approaches it and sees not its beginning.
One follows it and sees not its end.

When the Tao of the forefathers is preserved,
to guide the essence of today,
from time immortal one can Know.
This is called: endless unfolding of the Tao.

source: facebook

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