Los peces nacen en el agua, el hombre nace en el Tao.Si los peces, nacidos en el agua, buscan la sombra profunda del estanque o la alberca, todas sus necesidades son satisfechas.Si el hombre, nacido en el Tao, se hunde en la profunda sombra de la no-acción, para olvidar la agresión y las preocupaciones, no le falta nada, su vida es segura.
Moraleja: "Todo lo que necesita el pez es perderse en el agua.Todo lo que necesita el hombre es perderse en el Tao".


queridos amigos los haikus que humildemente escribo están en este sitio: www.haikusilvestre.wordpress.com
gracias ! Namasté

21 feb 2013

liu maoshan

Liu Maoshan
male, born in 1942, is a native of Suzhou, Jiangsu province. He is now vice-president of the Suzhou Chinese Painting Academy and a member of Chinese Artists Associations. He is rated as a national first class artist.

Liu graduated from the Suzhou Institute of Arts and Crafts in 1962. He studied western painting at an early age. With profound and extensive research in the works of classical European masters and modern impressionism, he later changed his art style to Chinese landscape painting.

Liu’s works are characterized by a distinctive, colorful and poetry style which is quality suggestive of painting. He is skilled in painting water villages in Jiangnan. In recent years, he has visited Japan, Britain, the U.S.A. and Hong Kong, where he held solo exhibitions as well as participated in many cultural and academic exchanges. His works are highly acclaimed and collected by many museums and galleries in China and overseas. His name is listed in the “American Who’s Who” and the “International Who’s Who” published by the Center of International Who’s Who in Cambridge, Britain.

His publications include “Selected Landscape Paintings of Liu Maoshan”, “Liu Maoshan’s Modern Chinese Paintings”, “Rongbaozhai Book of Paintings - Liu Maoshan’s Water Country”, “The Art of Liu Maoshan”, “Water Country, A Sentimental Journey – Selected New Works by Liu Maoshan”, “Selected Works of Liu Maoshan” and “Exotic Mood-Selected New Works by Liu Maoshan”.

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