Los peces nacen en el agua, el hombre nace en el Tao.Si los peces, nacidos en el agua, buscan la sombra profunda del estanque o la alberca, todas sus necesidades son satisfechas.Si el hombre, nacido en el Tao, se hunde en la profunda sombra de la no-acción, para olvidar la agresión y las preocupaciones, no le falta nada, su vida es segura.
Moraleja: "Todo lo que necesita el pez es perderse en el agua.Todo lo que necesita el hombre es perderse en el Tao".


queridos amigos los haikus que humildemente escribo están en este sitio: www.haikusilvestre.wordpress.com
gracias ! Namasté

15 abr 2011

música clásica de la India ...


Vilasini Natyam is the name given to the dance tradition of the temple dancers of Andhra Pradesh. These dancers were known as Kalavantulu. Unlike similar traditions that have evolved in other regions of the country, the ritual-specific (Gudi Seva), ceremonial-specific (Kacheri Ata) and dance operatic (Ata Bhagavatam) aspects of the temple dances form an integral part of the Vilasini Natyam repertoire. Apart from being a distinctive style, Vilasini Natyam is unique in that it retains the functional classification of the art practiced by these Kalavantulu, suitably adapted for modern-day stage presentation.

An exquisite form of expression shaped over centuries enriched by the artistic imagination of countless temple dancers this dance tradition has been painstakingly researched and recast by Swapnasundari, who worked under the guidance of Maddula Lakshmi Narayana, who was an exponent of this tradition.



Raga: Kamod



Pl. Clic below the titles to view and listen (don't miss any)


ThumbnailAeri Jaane Na Doongi-Chitralekha


ThumbnailJaao Re Jogi Tum Jao Re - Lata - Amrapali 1966


very beautiful song

ThumbnailTum ko dekha to ye khayal aya from Saath Saath by Jagjit (Farooq Shaikh

Disclaimer: I do not claim any rights on the content of the post

With Love Affection Regards Blessings

Uma Maheswar Nakka

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